The client was unable to reuse a session with SPID 157, which had been reset for connection pooling. The failure ID is 29


Oj zdarzało się walczyć z tym błędem… Ale dopiero teraz trafiłem na jakikolwiek opis znaczeń numerycznych kodów tego błedu. Znajduje się on na Żeby „nie uciekły” zamieszczam je niżej:

Default = 1,

GetLogin1,                    2

UnprotectMem1,                3

UnprotectMem2,                4

GetLogin2,                    5

LoginType,                    6

LoginDisabled,                7

PasswordNotMatch,             8

BadPassword,                  9

BadResult,                    10

CheckSrvAccess1,              11

CheckSrvAccess2,              12

LoginSrvPaused,                  13

LoginType,                       14

LoginSwitchDb,                   15

LoginSessDb,                     16

LoginSessLang,                   17

LoginChangePwd,                  18

LoginUnprotectMem,               19

RedoLoginTrace,                  20

RedoLoginPause,                  21

RedoLoginInitSec,                22

RedoLoginAccessCheck,            23

RedoLoginSwitchDb,               24

RedoLoginUserInst,               25

RedoLoginAttachDb,               26

RedoLoginSessDb,                 27

RedoLoginSessLang,               28

RedoLoginException,              29             (Kind of generic but you can use dm_os_ring_buffers to help track down the source and perhaps -y)

ReauthLoginTrace,                30

ReauthLoginPause,                31

ReauthLoginInitSec,              32

ReauthLoginAccessCheck,          33

ReauthLoginSwitchDb,             34

ReauthLoginException,            35

Login assignments from master

LoginSessDb_GetDbNameAndSetItemDomain,           36

LoginSessDb_IsNonShareLoginAllowed,              37

LoginSessDb_UseDbExplicit,                       38

LoginSessDb_GetDbNameFromPath,                   39

LoginSessDb_UseDbImplicit,                       40      (I can cause this by changing the default database for the login at the server)

LoginSessDb_StoreDbColl,                         41

LoginSessDb_SameDbColl,                          42

LoginSessDb_SendLogShippingEnvChange,            43

Connection string values

RedoLoginSessDb_GetDbNameAndSetItemDomain,       44

RedoLoginSessDb_IsNonShareLoginAllowed,          45

RedoLoginSessDb_UseDbExplicit,                   46      (Data specificed in the connection string Database=XYX no longer exists)

RedoLoginSessDb_GetDbNameFromPath,               47

RedoLoginSessDb_UseDbImplicit,                   48

RedoLoginSessDb_StoreDbColl,                     49

RedoLoginSessDb_SameDbColl,                      50

RedoLoginSessDb_SendLogShippingEnvChange,        51

Common Windows API calls

ImpersonateClient,                            52

RevertToSelf,                                 53

GetTokenInfo,                                 54

DuplicateToken,                               55

RetryProcessToken,                            56

WinChangePwdErr,                               57

WinAuthOnlyErr,                               58

Komentarze są wyłączone

Autor: Rafał Kraik